
MathTechEdu (MTE) is established under the aegis of MathTech Thinking Foundation (A non-profitable international association for
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics professionals) to promote advancements in STEM in a wide range of ways

A solution for Webinars, Workshops, Training,  Collaborative events, Internships, etc.

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MTTF-STEM professionals

MTTF strives to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all. Among the primary benefits of a stay at MTTF are meeting new STEM professionals, and enjoying collaborations both with old friends and new colleagues. 

MTTF is committed to fostering a community of respect, collegiality, and sensitivity.


"All outstanding work, in art as well as in science, results from immense zeal applied to a great idea.” – Santiago Ramón y Cajal

  • MathTech Thinking Foundation (MTTF) focusses in bridging the gap between Industry and academia by organizing the workshops, trainings, webinars, courses by the industry and academia experts on latest advancement in STEM field for the participants.
  • MTTF is anticipated to attract a large number of high quality submissions and stimulate the cutting-edge research discussions among many academic pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, students from all around the world.
  • Another goal of MTTF is to provide opportunities for academics to receive informal in-depth feedback through discussions, and to enable them to establish contact with professionals in various countries and institutions and also to encourage regional and international communication and collaboration.
  • Provide common platform for academic pioneering researchers, scientists, engineers and students to share their views and achievements.
  • Focus on innovative issues at international level by bringing together the experts from different countries.

Our Programs

We make teaching and learning way easier and more convenient for you


MTTF provides a platform for STEM professionals to organize webinars. Embracing the ecosystem way, these gatherings will provide a space and time for STEM leaders to share common challenges, ideas, and resources.


MTTF organizes workshops for STEM professionals on a particular subject, to learn new projects, techniques and methods. Ensuring a proper flow of knowledge, Workshops assist in passionate interaction and active participation boosting the skills and expertise of STEM professionals.


MTTF provides training, which refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and organization for STEM professionals

Collaborative Events

Collaborations are befitted in sharing expertise, saving time and money, reducing the workload, increasing productivity, and problem-solving. To organize a collaborative program/event, you are always welcome at MathTech Thinking Foundation. 


MTTF opens internships for Indian students in the area of Digital Marketing,  CRM, Web-development, Graphic Designing, Content writing, Data-Analysis, Research Associates, Project Associates, etc. Applications are invited through the Internship AICTE-India portal

Certificate Courses

Certification demonstrates your commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning. A certificate can help ease that transition, making you feel more prepared, confident, and qualified to pursue new career opportunities.

Junior STEM Foundation

Junior STEM Foundation (JSTEMF) is governed by MathTech Thinking Foundation (MTTF) a non-profitable international association for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) professionals. The mission of the Institute for Broadening Participation is to increase diversity in the young STEM minds under the age group 14-20. 

— A step towards preparing young STEM professionals for the next generation

Feel free to contact us

MathTech Thinking Foundation always welcome STEM professionals for regional and international communication and collaboration; promote professional interaction and lifelong learning; recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations; creating courses, online, offline, hybrid event etc.


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Come say hello at our office.

# 4, Fazilka-Abohar Road, Fazilka

Pin Code: 152123, INDIA


Mon - Fri from 8am to 6pm

+91 82880 90404